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Pattor of the United Churches of Wdlington and n^ypcwell, in the District of Abbeville, South Cirulina.

They that seek me early shall find me. Prov. viii. 17. The righteous hath hope in his death.— Prov. xiv. 32.




Entered according to the act of Congress, in the year 1835,

By Henry Perkins,

ill the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Eastern Dis

trict of Pennsylvania.

Stereotyped by L. Johnson, Philadelphia.


To Mr

I have read, with lively interest, the manuscript Memoirs of the amiable and pious Miss Smelt, and can feel no hesitation in the expression of an opinion fa- vourable to their publication. I believe the narrative calculated to do much good, especially among the young of her own sex.

Yours, &c.

James Milnor, Rector of St. George's Church. New York, 15th Aug. 1818.

To Jllrs. Elizabeth Jones. Madam,

I concur, with much pleasure, in recommending the publication of the Memoirs of the late excellent Miss Smelt ; being convinced that they are, under God, cal- culated to be eminently useful. Her well-cultivated youthful mind, her truly amiable disposition, and abovo all, her being so evidently a subject of divine grace, give the narrative much interest and value. Who, that himself loves the Redeemer, can peruse such an



account of a departed saint, without feeling his heart warmed with holy affections, and edified 1 I am, most respectfully,

Yours sincerely in Christ,

Benjamin Mortimer, Pastor of the Church of the United Brethren. New York, 17th Aug. 1818.

To JMrs. Elizabeth Jones. Madam,

I have perused the manuscript copy of the Memoirs of Miss. C. E. Smelt with peculiar pleasure, and shall be highly gratified to see the work in print. I feel a confidence that the publication will be calculated to be useful, not only among her relations and the friends who knew her, but also among strangers. It is calcu- lated to be useful wherever it may be read. Accept my thanks that I have been favoured with the perusal. With respect, I am, madam, yours, &c.

John M'Dowell, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Elizabelhlotcn. Elizabethtown, 29th Aug. 1818.

To J\Tvs. Elizabeth Jones. Madam,

Expressions of mercy, so distinguished as that ex- hibited in the Memoirs of Miss Smelt, ought not to be withheld from the world. They appear to honour God,


and to be adapted to do good to the gouls of men. The impression has delightfully rested on my mind, while perusing the manuscript, that mothers who love their daughters, and daughters who love their mothers, and all who love our Lord Jesus Christ, will find much in this brief narrative which they will wish to cherish and wish to remember. It is with pleasure, madam, that T commit this testimony of my approbation of the work to your disposal.

With earnest prayers for the divine blessing upon this little volume, and with sentiments of personal re- spect and kindness,

I am, madam,

Your obedient servant,

Gardiner Spring, Pastor of the Brick Presbyterian Church. New York, 6th Sept. 1818.

To «\frs. Elizabeth Jones* Madam,

I have read the Memoirs of your late niece, Miss Smelt, with much interest. They form a piece of bio- graphy which promises to be profitable, and cannot fail to be interesting to both old and young. We have here " the words of truth and soberness" uttered under circumstances the most solemn and impressive : and I would gladly hone, that while those who are encom- passed with the temptations peculiar to youth, read the warnings and exhortations of the dying Miss Smelt, A 2


they will be led to feel the vanity of all earthly things, and the infinite importance of death and eternity. And what parent can survey her triumphs over " the last enemy," and compare them with her previous history, without seeing how rich a blessing attends parental fidelity in bringing up a child " in the nurture and ad- monition of the Lord."

Permit me to express my sincere sympathy for her bereaved parents, and believe me,

Your obedient servant,

J. M. Mathews, Pastor of the Reformed Dutch Church in Garden-street. New York, 15th Sept. 1818.


The following narrative is presented to the public at the earnest request of a number of friends of the deceased Miss Smelt. She had endeared herself to a numerous circle by her many virtues and affable deportment. Her mind was culti- vated, and her manners highly polished. The easy circumstances in which she was born and lived, together with the circle of society in which she was wont to move, afforded her advantages which but few enjoy. It was, therefore, thought by many who witnessed the last scenes of her life, that such a testimony as she gave to the truth of vital Christianity, if made public, might be useful in promoting the best interests of many who had no per- sonal acquaintance with her.

Accordingly, the whole of the follow- ing information concerning her was drawn


up by several persons who knew her well, and witnessed the most interesting facts hereafter recorded. The papers contain- ing this information were presented to the editor, with a request that he would re- vise, arrange, and prepare them for publi- cation. With this request he endeavoured to comply. The distance at which he re- sides from Augusta deprived him of any personal knowledge of Miss Smelt from the period of her infancy, when he bap- tized her. This want of a later personal knowledge he much regrets ; yet from the concurrent testimony of many pious and worthy characters, he does not entertain the smallest doubt of the truth of a single fact recorded in the following narrative. The probity and piety of the persons con- cerned in furnishing its materials are too well known to admit any dread of suspi- cion or contradiction. Besides, the most interesting facts related were witnessed by many respectable persons, who can attest their authenticity ; for " this thing was not done in a corner."


The editor has not enlarged any part of the narrative, nor added any comments of his own, in the course of it. He has only compiled the information communi- cated by others. Some words he has changed, and some alterations have been made in the arrangement : but in no in- stance has there been any alteration made in the sense of a single paragraph. The concluding remarks he has added, and a part of the genealogy in the beginning he has given from his own knowledge.

Perspicuity has been his object through the whole of the narrative. To attain this has been found difficult in some places, where a conversation is related between two persons of the same sex. However, he hopes that, in general, the whole will be found intelligible by those who peruse it.

Moses Waddell.

Willington, South Carolina, ~) 24th June, 1818. 5



Miss Caroline Elizabeth Smelt, the subject of the following- narrative, was born in the city of Augusta, in the state of Geor- gia, on Lord's-day morning, December 28th, 1800. Her ancestors, so far as is known, were respectable. Her father, Doctor Den- nis Smelt, was born in Essex county, in the state of Virginia, on the 23d day of Novem- ber, 1763. His father, the Rev. John Smelt, was a clergyman of the Episcopal church ; he was born in England, educated at Oxford, and emigrated to America in early life, where he married a lady of Virginia.

Doctor Smelt was educated at William and Mary College, in his native state. In the year 1786, he went to England, for the



purpose of completing his medical studies. There he remained three years, and then returned to his native land. The state of Georgia at that time offered many attrac- tions to young men of talents and enterprise. Accordingly, the doctor determined on re- moving thither, and selected Augusta as the place of his future residence, where he set- tled in 1789. Here his medical skill and in- dustrious attention to the duties of his pro- fession, soon procured him a large share of public confidence, as well as an extensive and lucrative practice.

In the year 180G, he was elected, by his fellow citizens, as a member to represent them in the Congress of the United States. After acting five years in this capacity, he retired from the service of his country, to re- pose in the bosom of his family.

In the year 1798, he received in marriage the hand of Miss Mary Cooper, an amiable and accomplished young lady of Augusta. She was the daughter of Mr. Ananias Coop- er, a respectable merchant, then living in the city, but since dead. Mr. Cooper's parents were both natives of Amsterdam, from which place they emigrated to New York, but at what period is not known to the writer of this narrative. Shortly after Mr. Cooper's birth, he lost his father. His mother lived sixty-three years. She died in the city of New York. She was of exemplary piety,


and considered, by good judges, an intelligent and accomplished lady. She spoke and wrote the English, and several other languages, with correctness. It was observed by the minister who preached the funeral sermon, that " she had been a member of the church more than thirty years, during all which time she had been a * shining light,' and had never brought a blush upon her children's cheeks, nor the slightest blemish on the cause of re- ligion." Mrs. Cooper, the mother of Mrs. Smelt, was a native of Ireland. She emi- grated to Philadelphia when young, where she was married to Mr. Cooper, by whom she had live daughters ; of these Mrs. Smelt was the third. In January, 1778, while the British army were in the city of Philadel- phia, and great disorder was prevalent there, Mrs. Cooper, expecting shortly to be the mother of a third child, retired to Bethle- hem, a quiet village in the interior of the state ; within a few miles of which place Mrs. Smelt was born, on the 31st of January, 1778.

Mrs. Cooper survived her husband some years, and died near Augusta, in the year 181.3, in the 70th year of her age. She had long been a professor of religion, and left an unquestionable testimony of her faith in Jesus. She died a most triumphant death. With a heavenly countenance she exclaimed, "Lord B


Jesus, receive my spirit !" and immediately expired without a struggle.

The preceding imperfect sketch of Ca- roline's ancestors is prefixed to gratify the innocent curiosity which may be felt by her friends, or any of those who may read her memoirs.

Caroline was not the first child of her parents. A son, named John, was the first pledge of their wedded love. He afford- ed his parents all that happiness, in pros- pect, which a promising infant could pos- sibly furnish during thirteen months, when it pleased Him who "blessed little children," to take him from his earthly parents, at that early age, to be with himself.

About four months after this bereavement, the hearts of these parents were gladdened by the birth of a daughter ; and this daughter was Caroline Elizabeth. From early child- hood she discovered strong marks of an in- telligent mind, blended with much meekness, modesty, and benevolence of disposition. At the age of eighteen months, she was un- commonly engaging and interesting. She could, even then, repeat many little prayers with such a distinct articulation as is not usual at that tender age. When only two years old, she could repeat a number of short instructive lessons which she had committed to memory, and deliver them with such pa-


thos, property of emphasis, ami expression of countenance, as to surprise and gratify all who heard her.

Many circumstances occurred in the dawn of her life, calculated to delight and increase parental affection, which are so far effaced by time and succeeding events as only to leave on the memory a general impression that they gave rise to pleasing hopes of future ex- cellence. A few little anecdotes are still recollected ; some of which shall be here inserted, as they may tend, in some mea- sure, to show the sensibility of heart which she possessed while she was yet a babe.

When she was not more than three years old, on a very cold, wet, and stormy winter night, she was seated by her mother in a little chair, amusing her with her innocent prattle. Her mother, feeling desirous to improve the even- ing as profitably as possible, called the atten- tion of her little daughter to the comforts which they then enjoyed, and contrasted them with the situation of the indigent. She then related to Caroline the circumstances of a poor, afflicted, little female orphan, without clothes, food, or a permanent home. This recital soon drew tears from the eyes of the little hearer, accompanied with sobs. After sitting some time, she wiped off her tears, and appeared to be engaged in deep thought. At length she rose from her chair, and ap- proached her mother, saying, " My dear


mamma, I have been thinking how I could relieve this poor little girl. Will you please to let our good old servant, Nancy, take me directly to her ? I wish to bring her home with me to-night ; she shall sleep in my bed, and I will give her some of my frocks, and a pair of my red shoes." On being told that it was dark and rainy, and that she had better defer her intended charity until the morning, she replied, " O no, mamma, please to let me go to-night, for you said site had nothing to eat." Her mother then observed, that it was too late, and she would get wet, perhaps take a cold, and be sick. " O no, mamma, I shall feel better ; I wish to bring her here to-night, and you will be her mam- ma too ; won't you ?" To see how far her feelings would carry her, her mother had the servant called, her little bonnet and mantle tied on, and she actually proceeded, with firm intention, to the street. But here her natural timidity discovered itself, by her cleaving to the servant, and kindly asking her to take her little hand in hers, and hold the umbrella over her head. They had not been allowed to proceed many steps, before her mother called them back ; being fully satisfied as to the motives which influenced her child. Little Caroline expressed much disappoint- ment, and could not be consoled until she received every assurance from her mother, that the little sufferer had been provided for.


The next day the subject was renewed, and the frocks and shoes were tendered.

At the age of four years, she was sent to school, and made such proficiency as to give general satisfaction to all concerned. By her docility, amiable disposition, and obedient behaviour, she also gained the friendship and affection of her intelligent preceptress, which continued unimpaired to the end of her life. Very many, if not all, of her school-mates loved her, and were beloved by her. As soon as she could read, she evinced great delicacy of taste in the se- lection of little books, to occupy her leisure hours ; and would comment on what she had read, with unusual correctness.

When she was between five and six years old, she had been one evening engaged in reading a little book, descriptive of the cha- racters of two little girls. The one was very rich, an only child, but exceedingly bold, passionate, obstinate, and uncharitable: the other was poor, and in a state of great bodily sufferings, but very amiable. She appeared much disgusted with the bad girl, and won- dered that the wealth had not been given to the good child. A moralizing dialogue then ensued between her and her mother. Short- ly af. er wards, Caroline retired to bed, and her mother thought she had fallen asleep, as she had lain perfectly quiet for some time ; when, lo the surprise of Mrs. Smelt, her little d2


daughter rose up in the bed, and with great feeling said, " My dear mamma, I hope I shall never be such a vain boaster, and such an un- dutiful child as that bad girl was. I would much rather be as poor and as afflicted as that other, if I could be as good." She seemed much affected, and as if she had been engaged in deep reflection on the subject. Her mother then gave her such advice as she thought would assist her to see her duty ; and to rea- lize the good wishes she had formed. This ap- peared to console her youthful mind, and soon after she fell asleep.

About this period she became much en- gaged with her catechism. In questioning her one day, as to her comprehension of the ten commandments, her mother was much gratified by the correctness of many of her answers. One of them is distinctly remem- bered ; and although it be infantile in the manner of expression, yet it is strong, and shows her views on the subject. Her mother asked her if she understood the meaning of that command which requires us to " love our neighbour as ourselves ?" She replied, with great modesty, " I believe I do. You know," said she, " when my dear old grand- mamma comes to see us, she always brings some little token of her remembrance to cousin Cornelia and myself; and she always says, ' Come here, my little Caroline, take this, and divide it with Cornelia.' She gives


it to me first, because she says I am your only little pet. Well, I take it (perhaps it is only a biscuit, perhaps a single apple) and I divide it, taking1 care always to give cousin the biggest part. Now, is it not this loving my neighbour as myself?"

When she was about six years old, it was thought expedient to send her to a dancing school. Nearly all her little school-males had already entered. It was proposed to her ; she evinced disapprobation ; but, with her usual submission, yielded to the wishes of those whom she loved. She was taken by her mother, who supposed, that as soon as Caroline should see her young friends, and hear the music, she would be reconciled to remain. But on entering the school, she discovered great agitation and terror, entreat- ed her mother not to leave her, and burst into tears. Mrs. Smelt, much surprised and disconcerted, returned home with her, and inquired the cause of her agitation. Still trembling, she replied, " My dear mamma, I cannot tell you, but I felt so much alarm, I could not stay. I hope you will never de- sire me to go to that school again. I can hop and jump about enough at home, without jjoing to that school to learn." Her mother then told her, that she had mortified her ex- ceedingly by exposing her weakness before so many persons ; many of whom would pro- bably call her a spoiled baby, and charge


the fault to her. Caroline then replied, "I do not regard any reproaches my conduct, on this occasion, may bring upon me, if you will forgive me, and not desire me to go again."

No farther attempt was made to have her taught dancing, until she was ten years old. She then showed the same disapprobation and the same submission. She was told, that it was an accomplishment which her friends wished her to acquire ; that it would qualify her better for appearing in that society in which she was intended to move ; and would contribute much to render her easy and grace- ful in her deportment. She smiled, and ob- served, " it was strange reasoning; and that any thing so light and trifling in its nature, should qualify her better for the society of rational beings, was surprising." She entered, and soon became what the world calls an ele- gant and graceful dancer. Before the expi- ration of the last quarter, she requested leave to retire ; observing, that her friends had complimented her on the proficiency she had made ; and as she had answered their wishes, she begged leave to give up farther attend- ance on the school. She was persuaded to finish the quarter; but frequently, when pre- paring for the dance, would shed tears, and say that she " felt great repugnance to be- stow so much time on a thing, of which she should never be fond." For this her friends


were unable to account, as there was not the least tincture of melancholy in her disposi- tion. On the contrary, she was extremely cheerful and happy, but never volatile ; sprightly and animated in conversation, but never countenanced or descended to levity.

In her eighth year, she was called to expe- rience a most aillictive dispensation of Di- vine Providence, in the death of a darling little sister, who was three years younger than herself. She was greatly grieved, but displayed much resignation to the will of God ; and directed her sympathy and affec- tionate condolence to the consolation of her afflicted mother. Mrs. Smelt had enjoyed but feeble health for several years, and her mind had been deeply exercised in seeking to secure the best interests of her own soul. This bereavement laid her low in the valley of humiliation. She was visited by many pious friends and ministers of the gospel. When her mother was engaged in conversa- tion with them, reading the Scriptures, or other religious works, little Caroline would ijive her whole attention to the subject; and she has since told her mother, that from that period, she dated the first perceptible opera- tions of divine grace upon her heart. For, said she, •* so clear was my comprehension of the plan of salvation through a Redeemer, that I understood it as well, and believed in it as firmly, at eight years of age, as 1 do now


on my death-bed." She also observed, '"'that it often had been a matter of astonishment to her, even at that early period, that she should have such clear conceptions of a subject which caused so much investigation and doubt in the minds of older persons." She was always attentive to religious instruction, and at the age just mentioned, particularly so. Her mother never asked her to retire with her, for the purpose of private prayer, without rinding her ready, and immediately willing to attend, let her little engagements be what they might. She would bow on her little knees, with so much sweet humi- lity, and so silently and patiently engage in this solemn duty, as to afford her affec- tionate mother the greatest delight, particu- larly when she could see her, at the close of the duty, wiping the precious tears from her infantile cheeks.

When Caroline was a little more than eight years old, her curiosity was considerably ex- cited to see the Augusta races. As a num- ber of her little friends were going, she asked permission to attend also. Her mother, feel- ing confident that her little daughter did not understand the nature of this amusement, did not hesitate to indulge her. She was accord- ingly placed under the care of a particular friend, and went ; but before the race was over, she was brought home as pale as a little corpse. On inquiring the cause of her


returning in that manner, she said, she had been very much disappointed in the amuse- ment ; that she had seen nothing but a fright- ful confusion, and the poor horses whipped and run almost to dcatli ; that she had con- cealed her terror as much as possible, for fear of interrupting the friends with whom she was ; but at length two men got to fight- ing near the carriage in which she was seated, and she heard a loud exclamation of " War' war !" which alarmed her so exceedingly that she was near fainting ; when her friend, see- ing her situation, brought her away imme- diately. She ever afterwards evinced a great abhorrence of this amusement.

Perhaps a more happy, meek, or affection- ate disposition than that which she possessed has rarely ever been known. Always de- sirous of making every one around her par- take, as much as possible, of the blessings she enjoyed, she extended this principle to friends, strangers, servants, and even to animals. It is well recollected, that soon after the races before mentioned, a young friend presented her with a beautiful little ring-dove in a cage. At first Caroline was much delighted with the present ; but after a short time she ex- pressed great sympathy for the poor bird ; and said she should feel more pleasure in owning it, if it were not confined like a prisoner. A friend then assured her, that if she would open the cage door and let it out,

24 memoirs or

the bird was so domesticated that it would not fly away, but would exercise itself on the trees in the yard, and return to the cage. The experiment was immediately made, but the bird never returned. Instead of being distressed by this circumstance, she seemed to be gratified. Her mother was surprised, who supposed that she had become weary of her little charge ; but soon afterwards, in con- versation on this subject, Caroline cleared herself of this suspicion, by saying that she did not think it right to imprison little birds, and separate them from their mothers ; that she hoped her ring-dove had found its mam- ma, and that was the cause of its not return- ing. She was glad that she had let it go ; for " O how happy the poor mother and little dove must have been, in meeting after so long an absence ;" and concluded by saying, she hoped none of her friends would again pre- sent her with a bird in a cage ; for she would much rather see them hopping about on the trees, and hear their delightful little notes, in the open air, than to have then deprived of their liberty on her account.

There was one singularity in her disposi- tion while she was a child, which was often remarked by those about her, namely, that she never discovered a fondness for toys of any description ; on the contrary, she rather manifested an aversion to them. She was often presented with a variety, particularly


of dolls, of which most little girls are very fond. But she never made any use of them, as an amusement for herself; and would cheer- fully hestow them on little friends whom she knew took pleasure in them. She was of so domestic a disposition always, so much more attached to home than any other place, that her mother frequently endeavoured to pro- mote her amusement, by inviting her atten- tion to those innocent playthings. But one day she observed to her mamma, that she could take no pleasure in wasting time with those pieces of painted wood ; that she was very fond of living babes ; indeed, she loved them dearly, because our blessed Saviour had taken such in his arms, and blessed them. She continued, "I never feel lonesome when I have mamma to converse with me ; and when she is otherwise engaged, I have my lessons to get, or I can amuse myself in the gardens. My pets are there ; for I derive more pleasure from seeing my little plants flourish, than I do from playing with toys." Indeed, this was proved by the care and at- tention which she paid to them. She had al- ways a given number of plants and flowers in the garden, which were called hers, which she would water and attend to herself. Often was she seen watching for the first appearance of a flower-bud on a favourite plant or shrub ; and often did she run to her mother, in a transport of joy, to tell her that it was in C


bloom, or to present one of the flowers. The beauties of nature always presented to her mind an inexhaustible theme for admiration ; and she often discovered more pleasure in contemplating the shape and colour of a sin- gle flower, than in the enjoyment of any fashionable amusement. She was an enthu- siastic lover of flowers. They were the only article in fashionable dress with which she professed to be pleased. It was not unusual for her to appear at the breakfast table with her hair ornamented with flowers dripping with dew. She said it was not a romantic taste that induced her to do this ; but there was such perfection stamped on every leaf, as to elevate her gratitude to that Being by whose wisdom and power they were formed.

She was early distinguished for her love of truth ; insomuch, that she was frequently called upon to decide little disputes in school ; it being generally admitted by the contend- ing parties that Caroline Smelt would not tell a falsehood, even to screen herself from censure. Her friends have no recollection of her ever having deserved a reproof for deviating from strict veracity. She viewed falsehood as one of the most degrading and unprofitable vices, and a very high offence against Him who knoweth all things. Neither did she countenance or practise tale-bearing. So far did she carry this principle, as to suf- fer herself sometimes to be grossly imposed


upon, rather than make a complaint, lest she might be called a tell-tale.

To her relations she was affable and com- panionable, while yet a child ; but her ex- treme diffidence, or timid modesty, prevented her from communicating her ideas on any subject with freedom, except to those with whom she was well acquainted. To such she was free and communicative, and her conversation frequently afforded them instruc- tion and delight. Her language was pure; her expressions select ; and her observations far beyond her years.

She appeared to attach no importance to herself on account of her being an only child ; nor did she infer from this that she had any claim to extraordinary indulgence. On the contrary, she said, " it humbled her ; for it became her duty to strive to be every thing to her parents, that they might not grieve too much after those children they had lost."

When she was twelve years old, she was highly gratified by the birth of a little sister. On this occasion her joy was beyond descrip- tion. A certain female neighbour expressed her surprise at seeing Caroline so delighted, as " it might have been expected that she woukl have been disappointed, rather than pleased, that the child was not a boy ; for now the little stranger would stand on equal ground with herself, and her importance would probably he diminished." She replied,


she was very sorry that any person should entertain so contracted an opinion of her heart. She could, with great sincerity, de- clare that she was much happier than she should have been if it had been a boy ; and gave her reasons at full length, which silenced the friend. Some time afterwards she said to her mother, " Mamma, do you think our neighbour ******* Was in earnest when she gave such an opinion ? I do not approve of jests at any time, or on any subject; and I never have taken, and never will, if I can help it, take such a liberty with any one. I am sure I feel so much gratitude to Providence for blessing me with a beautiful little sister, that I would be willing that you, even you, should love her a great deal better (if that is possi- ble) than you do me."

She now proved that she did indeed love living babes ; for greater tenderness or affec- tion perhaps was never witnessed than she testified towards this little treasure. But, all ! in rather less than a year after its birth it was called to the arms of that Saviour who had condescended to bless such little ones while he sojourned here on earth. This was he second time Caroline had felt the pain of separation from an only sister ; but her grief was tempered with sweet submission to the decree of unerring wisdom. She, neverthe- less, discovered great sensibility whenever


this child was mentioned, and could seldom suppress her tears on such occasions.

At the close of her thirteenth year Caro- line attained the stature of a woman. Being tall and slender, her close application to study, and the death of her little sister, occasioned her health (which had always be- fore been good) to become rather delicate. A journey was advised ; and accordingly, in the spring of 1814, she set out, accompanied by her mother, on a journey to New-York, to visit a number of beloved relations who re- sided in that city. On this journey she was also accompanied by her cousin, Cornelia Walker, who had been as a companion and sister to her from early childhood. A detail of the incidents which occurred during that journey will not be attempted.

They travelled by land ; and before they had proceeded three hundred miles, Mrs. Smelt had the happiness of seeing her daugh- ter's health improving daily. On their way, they stopped and spent a Sabbath in a small town. They attended public worship both in the morning and afternoon. It was announc- ed that there would be preaching again by candle-light. The young ladies intimated, that as they should have to renew their jour- ney early next morning, they would rather go to bed than go to church that, night. Mrs. Smelt observed, that she would go to church, and was sorry to find that they had no dispo- c 2


sition to accompany her. This gentle rebuke was sufficient ; they botli got ready, and went with her. They were all much delighted with the preacher, and with the subject and matter of his discourse, as well as his man- ner. He was solemn and impressive ; the congregation large and very attentive ; the singing unusually melodious. On their re- turn to their place of lodging, Miss Walker observed to Caroline that she had never heard a better sermon in her life. Caroline replied, " I think it was an excellent one, and I am now very glad that we went. I do think if the preacher had continued a little longer, I might have gotten religion ; for I never ex- perienced such feelings in my life before.

0 cousin ! did you ever hear such singing I

1 should like to know the hymn, that I might commit it to memory." She referred to the exercises of that evening on her death-bed ; and said that she had never lost their im- pression.

They spent some time, for the purpose of rest, in all the principal towns and cities which lay on their way to New York ; but made a considerable stay near Richmond in Virginia, as they had relations in its neigh- bourhood. The young ladies were delighted with all they saw. Every city opened upon their youthful vision like a new world ; Caro- line's health still improving, and her mind ex- panding more and more.


When they reached New-York, it was about the last of May. Her friends there considered Caroline's health still rather deli- cate ; but her mother regarded it as suffi- ciently restored to qualify her for resuming her studies. Accordingly, as soon as she was perfectly rested, after the fatigue of the jour- ney, Mrs. Smelt placed her at an excellent school, designing to leave her there a year or two, if she could receive greater advantages as to education, in that city, than she could at home. To this scheme Caroline could not willingly assent ; and offered such reasons for her opposition as determined her mother to bring her home with her.

Having spent eight months in travelling and visiting their friends, they returned home by the same route by which they had gone ; after which, Caroline resumed her studies, partly under private instructors. At this pe- riod she manifested an increasing ambition to acquire literary knowledge, which her mother feared would occupy her whole attention, to the exclusion of every other consideration. Mrs. Smelt frequently admonished her at least to equalize her attention, and not to de- vote the whole of her time to that, which however laudable in itself, she was carrying to an extreme. To this Caroline would re- ply, that she was desirous of obtaining all the useful knowledge she could ; that she wished to meet the expectations of her friends, and


lo lay up for herself a plentiful store of in for- mation while she was young, and unencum- bered with cares or pleasures. She lias since confessed, that the thirst for human know- ledge had excited in her mind so much ambi- tion to be considered learned, and to be distinguished for her intellectual attainments, that she frequently feared her desires to be a Christian were suffering considerable abate- ment; that her judgment was not sufficiently matured to enable her rightly to divide her time ; that she stood in great need of the ad- monitory cautions which she used to receive from her mother, as they generally tended to humble her aspiring notions, and bring her to serious reflections. She, at the same time, observed, that she could with great truth declare that she had never felt the least tincture of vanity in her nature, except what arose from the compliments which her friends had paid to her understanding. " But," said she, " the goodness of Providence quelled the foolish spirit, by showing me that to whom much is given, of the same much will be required." And resuming the conversa- tion at another time, she said, " My beloved mother, how thankful do 1 feel that 1 was brought, through grace, to see there was time for all things ; that the improvement of my youthful mind need not exclude piety, but that both could sweetly harmonize ; and every talent intrusted to my care, when pro-


perly exercised, might redound to the glory of God. Instead of being vain, I now feel a double weight of responsibility ; but I desire that my friends may never compliment me again ; it may prove unprofitable. I would thank them much more, if they would kindly tell me of my faults. I fondly hope my va- nity and foolish ambition were buried at the same time ; and that too, before any but a mother's eye had discerned them ; but I wish to avoid every thing that may rouse their ashes."

Thus employed, in pursuing such an edu- cation as became her birth, her fortune, and future prospects in life, she continued to de- light her parents, and increase the number of her friends, by exhibiting every virtue, and performing every filial duty which the fond solicitude of parentage could desire or expect from a daughter of her age, until she had com- pleted her fifteenth year.



From her entrance upon her sixteenth year to the commencement of her last illness, including a period of one year and eight months.

Having traced the footsteps of this young female through the periods of infancy and childhood, we have now come to that part. of her short life which was most eventful. She had now arrived at the commencement of her sixteenth year, when she was about to be ushered into society as a young lady. Her principles were pure, her manners dignified, and extremely modest. She was unaffected, intelligent, and inoffensive ; graceful, meek, and affectionate. Her mother saw much to gratify her fond heart, but her mind was not free from maternal anxiety. The eternal welfare of this beloved daughter lay near her heart.

Mrs. Smell had long ere this time che- rished a hope that her beloved Caroline was a child of grace ; but she now feared that she might be drawn into various temptations, be allured by worldly amusements, contract a fondness for gay society, and thereby lose her religious impressions. She regretted the want of a regular ministry, The ill health of \)v. Thompson, who was their pastor at


that time, subjected his congregation to many privations. Therefore, the only resource of her mother's mind, in her trying circum- stances, appeared to be a steady applica- tion to a throne of grace in her child's be- ll alf, together with the use of such methods and admonitions as might appear most proper to counteract the influence of the world. She was soon surprised to see her daughter show no fondness for parties of pleasure, and to hear her express great wonder that rational